How Skateboard Decks Are Made

adding concave to a skateboard deck with pressure

Basically a skateboard is a piece of shaped plywood with wheels that you ride around your town and skatepark. But there is much more to your skateboard deck than that. If you are the inquisitive type, you want to know how this piece of wood that has given you a mix of pleasure and pain … Read more

Why Do My Skate Shoes Rip So Fast?

ripped skate shoe

Decent skate shoes aren’t supposed to rip easily, but if your shoes rip quickly, there are a couple of reasons. Keep in mind that skate shoes are supposed to wear eventually, expecially near the kickflip and ollie area. There are easy ways to prevent shoes from ripping. Patching the vulnarable areas or Shoe Goo are … Read more

Where Should I Put My Feet on a Skateboard?

feet position while pushing a skateboard

Have you ever stood on a skateboard? Did you will fall flat on your back?! If not, you are one of the lucky few that didn’t eat it when the skateboard unexpectedly rolled out from under your feet. But once you figure it out and practice standing on a skateboard, knowing where to put your … Read more

Why Tony Hawk is The Best Skateboarder Ever

tony hawk with other skateboarders

If you mention skateboarding to almost anyone they will likely mention Tony Hawk. Is it because he is the best skateboarder of all time? Some folks would say “Yes, He is the best ever!” Others would say “Not even close!” The opinions can be strong on this topic, so lets break this down and see … Read more

Comfortable Skate Shoes Which Offer Arch Support

Nike SB BRSB skateboard shoe

Having flat feet is really problematic as a skateboarder because skate shoes have flat outsoles to make you feel connected (boardfeel) to your skateboard deck. This means the outsoles and insoles are extremely thin, killing your arch while skateboarding if you have flat feet. Skate shoes aren’t designed for comfort, sometimes they aren’t even great … Read more

What Skateboards Decks Are Made of & Why it Matters

set of skateboard decks

Skateboard decks are made from a variety of materials. The most common material is Hard Maple. While decks can be made from other woods and a combination of woods and fibre reinforcement, Hard Maple has been tried tested and trued for decades. But if you have requirements that Maple cannot meet, there are a plethora … Read more

Great Vulcanized Shoes For Skateboarding

Best Vulcanized Skate Shoes

Most would agree that technical skateboarding requires flexible shoes that offer lots of board feel. The best shoes for that are vulcanized skate shoes because make you feel more connected to your skateboard. We selected a few shoes that offer great responsiveness, offer consistent flicks, and have improved durability near the high-contact areas. Vulcanized Skate … Read more

Great Cupsole Shoes For Skateboarding

Best cupsole skate shoes

Cupsoles skate shoes may not be the most popular shoes for skateboarding, but they certainly are comfortable and great for those who need some extra support. A cupsole is stiffer compared to vulcs but offers lots of impact protection and comfort. Cupsoles are great for high-impact skateboarding like ollying stairs, huge gaps, or general bigger … Read more